First Day Of High School

First Day of High School, Assembly of high school , classes of high school
First Day of High School 
Hello to everyone who is reading this article "First Day of High School"

 "First Day of High School"

Recently, I have passed out Matrix Examination with Average Percentage.My result was declared on June 3, 2019. I was thinking that it would declared on 11 of June but it declared a little bit soon.
Yet, I have not decided any school for my further studies because my school was just a secondary, so I was searching for another school for admission.

June 28, was my FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL, the day before the first day of high school was so miserable that I could sleep whole night. My eyes got open at 1:00 A.M then 4:00 A.M and finally at 6:25 A.M I got up from my sofa.( Why sofa?? Because I usually used to sleep at terrace of my home in summer and there was rainfall at night and I came down from the terrace and slept on the sofa)

So, finally the FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL begins from 6:25 in the morning.
After get up, I rapidly went to the bathroom. After this, I brushed my teeth and went for bathing.
I forgot to read the newspaper because I got up late in the morning and all the things I was doing quickly.
After bathed, I ironed my new shirt and then dressed up the school uniform and oiled my hair and finally I was ready to go to school.
But after oiling I had also done my breakfast.
After breakfast I touched the feet of my MOM.

So, Its my FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL, then I went to High School with my father in his car.

And finally The Day In High School begins from here.......

Beginning Of the Day in High School

Finally I reached at my High School before 5 to 6 minutes of High School.  When I reached at the High School I was just surprised to see my old friends. First of I went to one of the Director of High School to know where is my class. Then I went to the way and I met with one of my old friend and he told me that the class will held in other building. And then High School Morning Assembly starts...
First Day of High School, Assembly of high school , classes of high school
Assembly of  High School


The assembly of this school and my old school was slightly different.The assembly begins with "OM OM OM "
After OM, the Gaytri Mantar starts, After this the prayer starts with "Ae Maalik Tere Bande Hum." After the prayer, the students are being called by the students (who are leading the assembly) for NEWS Reading and for THOUGHT OF THE DAY.
At last the prayer ends with National Anthem(Jan Gan Man) and then we went to another building for the class.

Classes of High School

After assembly we reached to another building by school van. There we had combine classes with the foundation students, Hindi medium students and English Medium Students because the time was of admission and new admission were going everyday. So the decision of combine classes was taken.

The First Class of high School  was of Chemistry and the topic of Chemical Bond was discussed.This class was held for 1 hour.

The Second class of High School  was of Physics and the topic of Error was discussed and this class was also for 1 hour.
After this 20 minutes recces time.

The Third class of High School was of Biology (because I am a Bio student) in which the students were separated who Mathematics subject and this also held for 1 hour.

The last two classes of high school was of Hindi and English and the timing was half an hour each.

And finally the last bell of the high school rang at 1:00 P.M and we all went to buses. I reached at home at 1:30.

After I had arrived at home, I changed the school uniform and the went to washroom and then washed my face and finally requested my younger sister for lunch.

After Lunch, I took my smartphone in which had watched Many web shows and played games. In the evening I went to market with my younger brother. At last I  went for my studies.

The First Day of my High School was full of surprises and happiness.

That is my First Experience of My First day In high school.

BE Happy, Take Care.
Support me.


First Day Of High School First Day Of High School Reviewed by Vishal Kumar Bachher on June 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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