Seventh Day Of My High School

Seventh Day of High School, High School
Seventh Day of High School
Seventh Day My High School

Hope you had read older blog of High School and then come to this blog, so will know that this is my Seventh Day of High School.MY Seventh Day of High School similar to other days of my High School. So here also I will discuss about the Morning of my Seventh Day of my High School, Breakfast on Seventh Day of my High School, Classes on Seventh Day of my High School, Lunch on Seventh Day of my High School and end of my Seventh Day of my High School blog I discussed about the evening and night of the Sixth Day.

So lets begins with Morning of Seventh Day of My High School

Morning of Seventh Day of my High School

As usual I always promise to myself at night to get up early the morning for the studies लकिन Seventh day of my High School तक अभी तक हुआ नहीं है और आगे की मैं कह नहीं सकता इसलिए आगे की जानकारी जानने के लिए मेर इस Blog से be connected. So I Thought to get up at 4:00 am but I got up at 6:24 am and my school timing is 8:00 o'clock and my High School bus Timing is 7:30 am so I have to reach at the High School bus Stand by 7:25 am so after get up I went to washroom then brushing then bathing and finally after bathing I Oiled my hair( Click Here to know that why I oiled my wet hair on Fifth Day of My High School). So by 7:22 I am ready to go to High SCHOOL Bus stand and I done this.

Seventh Day of High School, high School
Glass of Milk

Breakfast on Seventh Day of My High School

After oiling my hair I went for the Breakfast. The Breakfast which I had on Seventh Day of my High School was similar to the Breakfast which I had on the Second, Third and Forth and Fifth Day of my High School which means on Seventh day of my High School I also had a Glass of Milk as my Breakfast. After Breakfast on Seventh Day of my High School I wore my shoes and then went to the High School Bus Stand on 7:18 am and reached there on 7:25 am. The only difference between the Seventh day of My High School and other Days of my High School is that on other days of my High School I used to take the medicine Diclotab Plus.This is a Funny incidence( Click Here To know) which happened to me continuously on Fifth Day of my High School and also on Sixth Day of High School.    
After breakfast I went to High School Bus Stand and reached AT High School

Seventh Day of High School, high school
Classes on High School

Classes on Seventh Day of My High School

The First Class And Second Class of my Seventh Day of My High School was similar to the Days of First day, Second Day and Third and Forth Day of my High School means my first class was of Chemistry and Second was of Physics both for 1 -1 hour each. After physics class, there was usually a interval for 20 minutes.

The Third class was of  my Seventh Day of My High School was of Biology but the DIFFERENCE was of the Teacher. Other days, foundation Biology teacher teaches us Biology but on my Seventh  day of My High School, our actual teacher teaches us the Biology. But Fact was that the Foundation Biology teacher is better than the actual Biology Teacher .

Other classes on my Seventh day of My High School was similar to other days of my High School which were I already discussed in my previous High School Blogs, click here to know.

And finally the last bell of the high school rang at 1:00 P.M and we all went to buses. I reached at home at 1:30. When I was High School bus there is construction work in my route so I reached at home by 5 -10 minutes late
Between 1:03 to 1:23 I was in my High School Bus and my Bus was so silent on Seventh Day of My High School mean हर कोई बस मजाक में आपस में लड़ता रहता है लकिन आज ऐसा कुछ नहीं हुआ 

Evening of Sixth Day of High School

I am discussing about the evening of Sixth Day in Seventh Day because I posted the Sixth Day blog before the evening.So after the Blog I posted on the Sixth Day of my High School, I had a tea and also I had a small pain in my neck so after the evening tea I went to sleep at nearly 3 o'clock and slept till 6:30. After got up in the evening, I washed my face and a glass of water and ate a Fruit flavored Dairy Milk chocolate. 
After 10-15 minutes after got up I applied face pack because my face is oily face so there are some blackheads and whiteheads on my face from last 4 years or from 2016. I have used the medicines for the treatment of my face from the top dermatologist of my area and also the nearby areas and at last  मैं हिम्मत हार गया and someone suggested me that it opened to everyone in teenage अगर तुम face को छेड़ोगे तो यह ज्यादा होंगे and suggest me to  apply simple face pack which will reduce your oil secretion on face.
It had happen almost 20 minutes that I applied face pack on face wash so in these 20 minutes I had also done homework. And after minutes I washed my face wash and ate the Nam-keen which was served by my sister. And than I sat again to do my Home work and studied till almost 11:30 pm and I had also Dinner in this time. And slept at 12:00 pm almost. 

Seventh Day of High School, high school
Lunch on seventh Day of High School

Lunch on Seventh Day of My High School

After I had arrived at home, I changed the school uniform and the went to washroom and then washed my face and finally requested my younger sister for lunch.

After I had arrived at home I had my lunch. In lunch I had Raita , Chapatti, and a Glass of Buttermilk.
After having my lunch on Seventh Day of my High School,  I took my smartphone in which had watched Many web shows and played games.

And this for today guys. Hope you like this

BE Happy, Take Care.Support me.

Seventh Day Of My High School Seventh Day Of My High School Reviewed by Vishal Kumar Bachher on July 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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